So I sent a text to the baby daddy and let him know and we were both excited. YAY!
Fast Forward a couple of hours (lots of driving and work being done during this time)
WAITING WAITING WAITING for the Fertility Clinic to call and give me medication (A LOT MORE) instructions and a date. In approximately one week little embryos are going to make their way from their dish to my uterus and make it home for a few months. I can't believe it! I mean, things can still go wrong, but this is pretty exciting, so I will enjoy it.
Me- Right before my Ultrasound |
AAAAHHHH!!!!!! So in 2012 I will be carrying a baby for someone - what's on your docket? Oh and apparently I also have been forced to make a resolution to be a bit more tidy (agreed on by my BFF <<<click there to read her adoption journey>>> and the hubby because they are OCD and I am NOT)
HAPPY 2012!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY 2012!!!!!!!!!