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I am awesome. Reason 1- I am. Reason 2- I am having a baby for someone else. Reason 3- I JUST AM.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

28 Steps... A Bit Much?

So, I received all of my medications... via FedEx.  It's amazing how they can deliver stuff on ice.  I can't even pack a cooler properly for an outing to the beach.  Anyway, so I get this little box and I think to myself "This isn't so bad..."

Then I opened it.


It was like a clown car full of needles and vials and stuff.  Never ending box of drugs.  I thought it was only 2 or 3 that were coming.  So it was very surprising when I pulled SIX prescriptions out of the box.  I am not kidding when I say that I almost had an anxiety attack.

THEN, I read through the instructions for the first set of shots.  TWENTY EIGHT STEPS.  As in two less than THIRTY.  Um, excuse me?  It's going to take me an hour to give myself a shot.  I don't have this sort of time allotted in my schedule.

The next day the fertility clinic called to discuss the meds with me.  Thank goodness.  She explained that the extra ones were for later on down the road and then told me which ones to focus on.  That helped.  She also said they had a video on their website that goes through giving the shots.  Step by step.  All 28 of them.   I haven't had a chance to view this, but I will by tomorrow.

Can you believe I start meds tomorrow?  I am wondering of the side effects... I mean if you are suppressing and injecting various hormones, something is bound to happen.  I will keep you updated on Monday with photos and reports of crazy out of control hormones.

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